July 04, 2013

How to choose domain name

Domain name is the first and arguably the most important steps in making a website. Among all the websites I have created and marketed I have noticed that the websites with better domains needed lesser work to get visitors than the other sites.
In my previous post I discussed about the steps in creating a website. If you haven’t read it yet please go ahead and read it and come back to finish this post. If you don’t want to read the detailed post then at least see this image below.
steps to crate a website
In this post we are going to discuss the first step that is domain selection.
There are lots of concepts regarding domain selection for a website but remember these are not rules. You can see then as guidelines which can be followed or not. All depends on what you think.
Here are the things you should keep in mind while choosing a domain for your site.
1. Type of site:
Different type of sites needs different types of domain names.
Personal blogs:  If you want to start a online journal or a personal blog you can choose your name as a domain fro your blog. eg johndmello.com. Remember this goes only for personal blogs. If you want to build a blog to earn money you should choose a domain related to your niche. Personal domain names also make it difficult when someone become interested in buying your blog. You will not want to sell a blog with your name as domain.
Celebrity Website:  Celebrity or a known personality who is making a website to get people know more about himself should also get a domain containing their name in it. People will search for their name or they may simply type “yourname.com“ in the browser. So getting a domain name with .com extension is best
 Business websites: Choosing a domain for business website is little tricky. You have to keep a lots of things in mind. If your business is known then it is little easier. You can choose the domain with which people recommend your name to other. People are going to search for that very name. But if you are new to business then then you will need a name that tell people what you do and also they can find you by searching you on Google or other search engines.
2. Choosing the domain extension:
Always prefer a .com domain. This can be considered as a rule. Whatever type of website you are building, whether a blog or a business website .com is always better. The main reason is people who have less knowledge about the internet technicalities, they still think all the websites end up with .com. Domains ending with .com are also easier to remember and also easier to share.
There are times when .com domains are not available and you have to choose some other extension then you can go for .net or .org. These extensions are little less known in comparison to .com but still people hear them frequently.
If you are choosing a domain name for your local business site then you can choose a domain with country specific domain extension like .us for an USA based site of .co.uk for an United Kingdom based site. Most countries have their country specific domains. Sometimes search engines give preference to the sites with local extension.
3. Easy to remember:
Try to choose a domain that is easier to remember. Short domains are best. Domains that are too lengthy are difficult to remember but even difficult to recall and type. You don't want to loose your visitor just because they feel lazy while typing you domain or they make spelling mistakes while typing your domain name.
Please don’t let your craving for short domain make it difficult to understand what you do. Domains should be tell users what your website is about.
4. Domains should tell about your business:
If you are a known brand then your domain name should have your brand name in it. People will search for your brand and it will become easy for them to reach you. If you are new you should have words in your domain which tells user what your site is about. This serves many purpose. There are better chances people will remember you when they are in need that will give you more business. People will find it easier to recommend to other. It bring a feeling that you are expert in this field. These words also help your website rank well in search results.
5. Say no to hyphens or numbers:
Domains with words separated by  hyphen(-) are easier to read but they lead to too much problem when you want to tell others about your site verbally. You may loose a lot of visitors just because they were missing the hyphens or adding some extra hyphens while typing your domain name. example. newyork-piano.com can be spelled like newyorkpiano.com by missing a hyphen or new-york-piano.com by adding an extra hyphen
As for numbers we all know how difficult it is to remember numbers. And also for every number there is a word in English. your domain may be mystore55.com but people may type in mystorefiftyfive.com.
6. Keep keywords in your domain name:
Think for few keywords that explains your website or business in advance before searching for domain name. For example a finance website can have keywords like finance, bank loan, mortgage, interest rate etc.
These keywords boosts search engine rankings as well as people know what you do by simply hearing or reading your domain name.
7. Domain uniqueness:
Your domain should not resemble any other well known domain name or company. Also do not choose misspelled words, plurals of hyphenated version of a known brand. People searching for you may get misguided to other website and you will loose a loose your valuable customers.
Google also show results for well known website believing that person who is searching has mistyped the word. You may have come across something like this while searching on Google.
choosing domain name
8. Stay away from copyrighted words:
Beware of this mistake. Always search for whether the words containing in your domain are not copyrighted. You may have to loose your domain after you have established your website and brand and that would be terrible. You can search at copyright.gov before registering a domain.
9. Register for longer period:
Most of the time people register domain for 1 year only but if you are serious about your business you should try to register your domain for as longer period as you can. Google gives better ranking to domains that are not going to expire for long time. The reason being domain spammers register domain for shorter periods and leave those domains after they have done with their spamming.
10. Choose a reputed domain registrar:
This is important but neglected step. We have heard stories where registrars have locked domains and demanded more renewal fees after the initial registration period ends.
Domain registrars also provide DNS hosting services.There may be times you also host your DNS at your registrar and bigger domain registrar have better monitoring and serving systems to keep your sited available all the time.
11. Use better tools to search for your domain name:
Domain search tools can make a difference in choosing your domain. Some tools provide with domain suggestion where you can get better domain names if the one you searched for is not available.
Some domain search tools also provides information about the search engine value of the domain and other useful information.
12. Know about the history of the domain:
Always look at the history of your domain name as there are chances that some spammer has registered that domain name earlier and got it banned or blacklisted at either search engines like Google, Bing etc. by spamming or at major email providers like Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail by doing email spamming from this domain. In that case it will become your headache to get your domain whitelisted at these services.
13. Have a look at expiring domains:
There are lots of good domains that people buy to sell them later to needful at higher price. Many a times they don’t get a buyer and they leave the domain to expire. If you search for these domains at regular domain search engine you won’t see them there because these domains are not yet fully released for new registration. There are few days left for their release but you can still get them. You need to search them at proper places like name.com’s expired domain search.
14. Premium domains:
There are many services where you can get already registered good domains for larger prices. These are called premium domain. You can choose these domains if they fit your need but they are costly. Always negotiate on price even if you can afford the original price. One of my friend needed a domain and the owner was asking for 3000$ for that domain. After a long negotiation my friend got that domain for 250$. See what I mean by when I say always negotiate.
If you know any more things that need to be mentioned in this domain selection guide please feel free to tell them in the comments. I will include them giving you and your website credit for the tip.

June 25, 2013

Steps to build a website

If you are new to this making website stuff you need to now the basic steps to fulfill your endeavor. Each of these steps needs posts of their own to cover them in full detail. Here I will give you some simple explanation about each site.
Without further delay let me tell you these steps.
steps to making website
In above image you can see the steps. It is not essential to follow these steps in this sequence but its better if you do.
Lets me explain these steps one by one.
1. Select Domain:
Choosing a appropriate name is must to every website and you should never take it lightly. Most of the online website and blog making services provides subdomains to host your websites on. Blogger provides yoursite.blogspot.com, on wordpress.com your get yoursite.wordpress.com and so on. I strongly suggest you stay way from subdomain hosting if you are even a little bit serious about your site. 
If you want to start a personal blog then you can choose youname.com as your domain but for a website aimed at promoting any business domain should relate to what your business is about. For example for a plumber named John located in New Jersey newjerseyplumber.com is a better name then johntheplumber.com.
Few simple things that you should keep in mind when selecting domain:
  • Your domain should be short and simple
  • Try to get a .com domain but if your target people lives in some specific country you can always choose specific extension of that country. If both .com and your country specific domain are available always go for .com.
  • Try not to get a domain with hyphen(-). Its difficult to tell by mouth.
  • For business website get a domain which tells about your business. domain should contain words describing your business.
2. Get web hosting space:
If you are hosting your own website then you will need a good web hosting service like hostgator or bluehost. Web hosting space is the space you need to store on a server which will stay always on and deliver your website whenever someone visit your site. Always go for a quality and well renowned host or you may loose a lots of customer/visitor.
If you use online website building services like weebly or wix you will not have to worry about this step.
People who wants to host their blogs on blogger, wordpress.com or tumblr don’t need any web hosting. Their blogs are hosted on the respective service. If you want full control and want to install WordPress on your own service you will need a web hosting. Go for a host with cpanel and fantastico. With fantastico you can install WordPress with only few clicks.
Most important quality you need to look for in any web host is their tech support. If your website is down and your web hosting provider is out of your reach for long period you are totally doomed.
For better hosting with cpanel and fantastico I suggest using Hostgator or Bluehost web hosting. They are in business for years and host more than million websites each. I too use Hostgator to host my websites.
3.  Build your website:
This is the last and most difficult step. If you are building a blog you are in luck. All blogging services provide nice looking templates and themes to design your blog to your liking. Self hosted WordPress users have even more options as lots of free and paid themes are available for them to download and install on their blogs.
For business websites, you can use weebly or wix and you will have a lot less to worry about. There are many template option for various type of website and you can create pages with ease.
If you want to built a static HTML website you can download free or paid templates available at various websites. You will need basic understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript to accomplish the task.
If you want a dynamic website with contact forms and other such things it will need knowledge of more technologies. You can always hire a web developer to get your website done but that will cost a lot.
For more information read create website for free. In that post I have written about various services where you can create your website or blog for free.
These steps are simple but there is lot to think about when making choices. I will write about these steps in details later. If you want to keep track please subscribe to this blog by filling your email in the form located I sidebar.

How to create a website for free

I believe you know basic steps about creating a website. If you don't read this post titled Steps to build a website.
There is a serious misconception among beginners who want to create website that to make website one needs to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript or advanced web programming languages like PHP, Python, Ruby, C#, Visual basic etc.
There were days when knowing these technologies was must. But now to make a basic (or sometimes advanced) website you do not need to know programming or scripting.
If you know about correct tools you can create some beautiful looking and fully functional websites without learning any of the above mentioned technologies.
There are many services out there where you can create your website and host them. Some of them and free and some are paid.

Before starting a website you should know the purpose of your website. Few people just want to share their daily activities or keep an online journal, for them creating a blog is enough. If you are want to build a website for your business a blog will not suffice and you will need a full blown website with webpages ranging from business introduction to online store where your customers can order your products (This is only required if you want to sell your products or services online).
Creating a blog is very simple and you can create your blog online in few minutes and that too for free. There are many online services where you can create your blog in next few minutes. Lets evaluate most popular options.
1. Blogger.com :
Blogger.com makes blogging so easy that you don’t have to see any code ever(although you can). You can create blog at blogger.com in few minutes and you are good to go without spending a single dime. This service is owned by Google. You blog is hosted at Google server so no need to find a quality hosting service.
2. Wordpress:
Wordpress in most popular platform used by most of the advanced bloggers. Wordpress comes in 2 flavors. You can go to wordpress.com and create blog just like blogger.com and start blogging. You blog is hosted at wordpress.com and you don’t have to worry about buying hosting. Second option that most advanced blogger opt for is to download copy of blogging software from wordpress.org and install it on their purchased hosting space. This second option gives you more control as you have full access to the blog platform’s code and you can alter it according to your needs.
3. Tumblr.com:
This is a new service compared to blogger or wordpress. It is recently acquired by yahoo. This is a interesting blogging service in respect that it is not only a blog hosting service it’s a community of people who blog and read each other’s blogs.
4. Weebly.com:
Weebly is not only a blogging platform, you can also create full fledged websites with various fancy bells and whistles. It has a basic free plan with some constraints and paid plans if you want more features. You can choose your plan according to your needs. For beginners free plan suffice.
There are numerous other services but I suggest you create your blog at one of these reputed and time tested service.
If you want to create a website with more function than that of a blog you can use one of below mentioned services.
1. Weebly.com :
I myself use this service to create websites whenever required as this service makes it so easy to build beautiful and professional looking websites. You simply have to choose templates click on buttons according to your needs and you are done. You can also add your custom domain(example: websiteown.com) for free for which competing services like wix.com charges.
2. Wix.com :
Wix.com is like weebly where you have plenty of design options and easy to use interface to build websites with all the functionalities you will ever need. Wix offers a free plan with lots of constrains and various paid plans. You can choose plan according to your need. One thing that always make me stay away from this service is that you have to pay for adding your own domain name. On free plan your site stay on subdomain like yoursite.wix.com. 
3. Google Sites:
Google Sites offers a free alternative where you can create your business or personal website for free. It also offers push button website builder but it has less functions as compared to Weebly or Wix. There is no paid plans here and everything is free. 
There are many more free and paid alternative to those  I have mentioned above. I am not mentioning them here because because of two reasons. First, above mentioned services are time tested and reliable and secondly, I have used them and found them as better fit for beginners who don’t want to spend money at start.
I will keep on adding more services if I find them suitable for beginners. If you know about some service please let me know in comments below.